Celebrating a Century of Quality Care


A 100th birthday is an exciting and important event in anyone’s family. Miami Valley Hospital’s 100th birthday was no different.

Centennial activities reached their culmination on Sunday, Sept. 30, 1990, when nearly 3,000 employees, physicians, volunteers and other community members gathered for a birthday party hosted on the hospital grounds.

The celebration featured tours of many hospital departments, the opportunity for a close look at the Careflight helicopter and special recognition for guests who were born at MVH. There were refreshments and entertainment: A strolling magician, caricature and scissor silhouette artists, clown and juggler added fun to the festivities.

During a late afternoon service in the Interfaith Chapel, members of the hospital family rededicated themselves to the vision of the Reverend Carl Mueller, Miami Valley Hospital’s founder.

The year-long centennial celebration opened with a “Signature Page,” a fund-raising project sponsored by Miami Valley Health Foundation. Published in the March 18, 1990, issue of the Dayton Daily News, the two-page centennial tribute included the signatures of more than 450 of the hospital’s friends.

Reunions for medical residents and School of Nursing alumni, the publication of Miami Valley Hospital: A Centennial History and a highly popular sale of casual clothing marked with a centennial logo also highlighted this very special year.

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